

The Coalition to Prevent Chemical Disasters includes community members, environmental health and justice organizations, health professionals, and labor groups advocating for policies that can prevent chemical disasters. 

The organizations below were signatories on our most recent public comment, or participate in our coalition. Learn more about our campaign

Interested in joining our coalition? Fill out our contact form.

Supporting Organizations

1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations

350 New Hampshire

5 Gyres Institute

AFGE Local 74

Air Alliance Houston

Alabama Interfaith Power and Light

Alaska Community Action on Toxics

Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League

BlueGreen Alliance

Breathe Project

Buckeye Environmental Network

California Communities Against Toxics

California Kids IAQ

California Safe Schools

Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribal Nation of Texas

Cascadia Climate Action Now

Center for Environmental Health

Central California Environmental Justice Network

Cherokee Concerned Citizens

Citizens Coal Council

Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger

Clean Air Action Network of Glen's Falls

Clean Air Council

Clean Air Muscatine 


Coming Clean

Climate Action Campaign of the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Codepink San Francisco Bay Area


Concerned Citizens of Wagon Mound and Mora County

Comite Civico Del Valle, Inc.

Common Ground Rising

Concerned Health Professionals of Pennsylvania

Defend Our Health

Delaware Concerned Residents for Environmental Justice

Desert Citizens Against Pollution

Don’t Waste Arizona

Downwinders at Risk

Earth Action, Inc.

Earth Ethics, Inc.



East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice

Environmental Defense Fund

Environment Texas

Environmental Justice Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform (EJHA)

Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area

Forest Keeper

Fresh Air Vallejo

FreshWater Accountability Project

Fridays for Future Charlotte

Friends of the Earth


Greenpeace USA 

Healthy Gulf

Honor the Earth

Hoosier Environmental Council

Hudson River Sloop Clearwater

Inland Ocean Coalition

Kentucky Environmental Foundation

Kentucky Environmental Foundation

Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light

League of Conservation Voters

Lone Star Chapter of Sierra Club

Los Jardines Institute 

Louisiana Bucket Brigade

Lunt Neighborhood Action Group, Inc.

Micah 6:8 Mission

Milwaukee Riverkeeper

Mom’s Clean Air Force

Mossville Environmental Action Now

New Jersey Work Enviro Council

New Mexico Environmental Law Center

North Country Earth Action

Northern California Recycling Association

Occupy Bergen County (New Jersey)

People Concerned About Chemical Safety

People Over Pipelines 

Physicians for Social Responsibility LA

PODER Austin

Public Citizen

Plastic Pollution Coalition

Progressive Coder Network

Project Outreach: The Frac Sand Sentinel

Protect All Children’s Environment


Resource Renewal Institute

San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council

Save Our Shores

Sequoia ForestKeeper®

Southwestern Indiana Citizens for Quality of Life

Surfrider Foundation


Terra Advocati

Texas Campaign for the Environment

The Descendants Project

The Enviro Show

The Last Beach Cleanup

The People’s Justice Council

Torrance Refinery Action Alliance

Turtle Island Restoration Network

Unite North Metro Denver

Union of Concerned Scientists



U.S. PIRG Education Fund

Valley Improvement Projects (VIP)

Valley Watch, Inc.

Veterans for Peace

Waterkeeper Alliance

West Berkeley Alliance for Clean Air and Safe Jobs